2013년 2월 7일 목요일

The Jews

"mother" is necessary to become the spiritual Jews(2)
Ordinarily, people say the Jews and Israelite are different. Simply, the Jews are a group of people in worldwide, and Israelite represents people who live in Israel. The word ‘Israelite’ does not include any race or religion. Most of Israelite believes Judaism, but also there are Muslims, atheists and Christians.­­­­­
The ancient Jews were represented by a branch of Judah or a member of South Judah. This means that descendants of Judah, the fourth son of Jacob’s, were formed the Judas kingdom with descendants of Benjamin and were classified as the Jews.
Entire people of Judas were called as ‘Israelites’ since when they entered the land of Canaan until the end of Babylonian Captivity, B.C. 539. After that people who believe Judaism were known as a word ‘Judah’. When Israel was divided into North Israel and South Judah, ten tribe of north Israel lost their national identity after they conquered by Assyria, B.D. 721, but people of South Judah kept their true purity and identity of Judaism.
But after the Jews were ruined by Roman Empire, they faced Diaspora again and scattered all over the world and had to united with other races. This is why the Jews could have different cultures and religions. There were so many people convert their religion from Judaism to others or become atheists. The Jews could not form an ethnic group anymore because of a nomadic life by accelerating of Diaspora. So, many Israelites are Arabs and most of the Jews are diffused every world.
Israel set the statement, ‘Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the lord,’ as their national policy, which connect the country, society, and cultures through their national religion, the Judaism. The Judaism only carry the Old Testament for their sacred book and believe the Messiah that will come to the world, but do not agree that Jesus Christ who already came to the world is the Messiah. This Judaism keeps the commandments perfectly to be redeemed because the commandment is the key role for them.
           Now, the population of Judaism in Israel is about 4.9 million which is about 80% of a total population. Others groups are Arabs, Druze, Beduin, which are non-Judaism. Percentages of religions are 80.1% of the Judaism, 14.6% of the Islam, and 2.1% of the Christian.
According to my own types of the Judaism, there are many difference and lift styles among the orthodox, the conservatives, the progressive party & the folk. For example, the orthodox Jews wear a black hat, a black coat and a black suit with tie in hot weather. 
The progressive Jews have modern style services and they are wide open to public. The folk Jews only follow holidays, but they do not have much faith in their religion, and many people are matched this category. Some people do not follow any of these types, and they do not agree that the God exist. They just registered as the Jews because their parents are Jews.

댓글 1개:

  1. Jews really is the people of God? They once destroyed. because they did not believe in Jesus Christ. Although the bible firmly teaches that the God would come in flesh.

    In the last generation like now, we should not do again same things which Jews did.

    Last day Holy spirit and bride give the water of life which we could get the eternal life.

    We should believe Elohim God.
