2013년 5월 21일 화요일

Where can we find the truth about Christ Ahnshanghong?

Now days all most Christians think that a decisive factor for second coming Christ is to perform many miracles.

Saying that if Christ Ahnsahnghong is Second coming Jesus, he must perform great signs and miracles as Jesus rose from death
However, if we follow only great miracles, our souls can’t help being deceived by Satan.

Mt24/24 For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect--if that were possible.

As you know, 2,000years ago there were a lot of people experienced a great miracle that Jesus fed the number of 5,000 with only five loaves of bread and two fish

However they didn’t recognize turn back and no longer follow him.
As that result they couldn’t get eternal life

John 6/66 From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.

Therefore, we shouldn’t identify him with miracles
Actually, Christ Ahnshanghong performed the greatest sign
Do you know what it is?
Let us suppose if someone rose from the death that affair would be caused quite a stir all over the world, but he can’t live forever.
The kid risen from the death by the prophet Elisha
Even Lazarus risen by Jesus died after all.
However, Christ Ahnshanghong performed the greatest miracle that is Passover by which we are to live forever and ever.

Is there any greater miracle than it?
Therefore, we shouldn’t recognize second coming Jesus with a great sign or miracle but only through Bible


댓글 1개:

  1. Though Jesus showed the great miracles 2,000yrs ago, they crucified him on the cross
    Many got away jesus
    It's not matter whether he shows miracles or not
    Important was that save the soul with truth
    Christ ahnsahnghongwas was enough to show great miracle to ppl who are poor for their soul
