What should we do to have eternal life?
What Do you think of you get vaccinated before winter?
If you get a flu shot, you can fight against the flu!
However You can't tell if a person is got flue or not by looking at his appearance
At least, when you catch a cold you know not to got flu shots.
It is hard to recognize vaccinated and unvaccinated
people to the eye
In the same way we don’t know those who keep the Passover or not to the eye
But when Christ Ahnsahnghong come to judge at the
last day, we will know.
The Passover is Only one way come back to kingdom of heaven and
very important factor
The Jesus said.
John 6 53-54 “… unless you eat the flesh of the son
of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and
drinks my blood has eternal life …”
We must eat Jesus’ flesh and drink Jesus’ blood
If we do not eat Jesus’ flesh and drink his blood
we cannot have eternal life
Then how can we eat Jesus’ flesh and drink Jesus’
Luke 22: 7-8 then came the day of unleavened bread
on which the Passover lamb had to be sacrificed. Jesus sent peter and John,
saying “go and make preparations for us to eat the Passover”
What must we keep to have eternal life?
Only those who kept the Passover will enter the
kingdom of heaven at the last day.
If you want have eternal life, you must keep
the Passover
To be protected against the flu, you have to get a flu shot
We can receive the salvation, keep the Passover.
답글삭제Christ Ahnsahnghong nim came and brought the Passover for our salvation.
답글삭제I give all thanks and glory, praise to Christ Ahnsahnghong nim
in order to salvation, We should be shot. through the passover
답글삭제through shot We should fight against the cold, in the same way we must keep the passover. The Passover gives us a guide to kingdom of heaven
답글삭제To be protected against the flu, you have to get a flu shot. Only those who kept the Passover will enter the kingdom of heaven at the last day.