2012년 12월 2일 일요일

The really dreadful being

Let me tell you a fable. 
One day a fox met tiger. The fox told the tiger, “Do you know that animals fear me more than you?” he claimed that he was the most dreadful animal in the forest.
The tiger, who claimed to be king of the animals, was amazed at the audacity of the beast that seemed to fall down if he kicked him once with his hind leg. Then the fox told him, “if you do not believe me, then follow me to the forest. You will see whether or not all the beasts fear me.”

The fox said confidently to the tiger. Being suspicious, the tiger followed on the heels of the fox. As the fox walked along with the tiger, the animals were all terribly frightened and ran away. All the beast - small ones like rabbits and even bears, huge and strong -fled away.

“now you can see for yourself. There’s no animal that is not afraid of me.”
The fox said proudly. But actually, the beasts were fleeing the tiger himself and not the fox marching before him.
Sometimes we see a similar thing happen around us. Some adults are weak kneed and fearful even before children. In this case, their parents are financially well off and influential. Actually, they do not fear the children themselves, but their background.
The devil our enemy can do us no harm and retreats when we preach the truth.
It is because of the blood of the Passover Lamb in us. 

God’s judgment were brought upon all the gods of Egypt on the Passover. From this we can see that what the devil fears most is the blood of the Passover Lamb.

Christ ahnsahnghong established the Passover to destroy the devil and give his children eternal life. 

댓글 6개:

  1. Do not fear to the devil
    Beside of us there are our father and mother who are govern the universal

  2. With the God, we are the most powerful people.
    Thanks god the father and mother.

  3. Christ Ahnsahnglhong and God the mother protect to us from the devil.
    Thanks to father and mother.

  4. Right, Our god is with us. Thanks for your mercy.

  5. uhm...I think so. We have a God's DNA through the PASSOVER. So we do not fear the devil because There are always Father God and Mother God in front of us.

  6. We must keep the Passover and we can receive the salvation.
