2013년 2월 4일 월요일

“The Jews” are special people who have a lot of influence to the whole world

"Mother" is necessary to become the spiritual Jew (1)
The Jews are widely known as “Special People”. The Jewish set an Idea of “Chosen one by the God” as their key role, which make them to believe that they are different from others.
According to the prediction from the Hebrew Bible, in year 70 AD, the Jews were separated after they were destroyed by the Romans. A group that they faced Diaspora and Holocaust, which cause them suffer and pain for a long time. 
For more than 2,000 years, they experienced huge sorrow for nationless, but finally, they got their land back as Israel. A recovery in Israel mostly by the Jews is the true success in world history.
Even more than 6 million people, about 60% of the Jews, were killed during the World War II by the Nazi, but currently they are the group that control economy market in the United States.
There are more than 6 million people living in the United State, which is almost similar number that people live in Israel. This is why someone calls the United States as “the Second Canaanite”. While the Jews in Israel keep their own tradition and exert sovereignty as an independent country, the Jews in the United States support other Jewish people all over the world.
The Jews set United States, and the Israel, which are the center of Diaspora, and the land of their ancestors, as their back bone and highly active globally. There is a statement that ‘for the success in any category, the contact with the Jews is must necessary.’
The United States is controlled by the Jews, 2 percent of total population, in economically and politically. This tells that the Jews lead in international finance, media, information, political, education, real estate, etc. The global press, the Reuter, is created by the Jews, and the America top 3 broadcast stations, NBC, ABC, and CBS, are influenced by the Jews, and lastly, many press, newspaper, magazine are owned by the Jews including the weekly magazine, ‘Newsweek.’
It is easy to understand how they leave many marks in human history by tracing historic people. 
There are so many world famous Jewish people including, a scientist Einstein, a psychoanalyst Freud, a revolutionary socialist Karl Marx, a poet Heine, famously known as an European banking dynasty Rothschild, a big hand of a financial district George Soros, the richest man in America Rockefeller, a Russian revolutionist Trotsky, an economist David Ricardo and Samuelson, Henry Kissinger, a world famous movie director Steven Spielberg, a computer inventor Neumann, a journalist Pulitzer, an actress Elizabeth Taylor, a comedian Charlie Chaplin.

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