2012년 12월 23일 일요일

The Spirit and the Bride, the way and the truth and the life

The Savior in the Father's age was Jehovah. In that age, no one could be saved if he had no part with Jehovah. In the Son's age, the Savior was Jesus and nobody could be saved if he had no part with Jesus.
This is the Holy Spirit's age, and now the Savior is the Spirit and Bride, who will save the the 144,000 children.

If the Spirit and the Bride say to anyone, "You have no part with us," how can he be saved? Can he save himself?
If we want to have some part with the Spirit and the Bride, we ought not to ask Them to be on our side - to follow our own thoughts, but to let us be on their side - to let us follow their thoughts

Now the day is drawing near. Our faith should become more complete day by day. Keeping it in mind that salvation depends on God, we ought to trust in the Spirit and the Bride in everything and follow Them to the end wherever They go. Think of Peter. He took his thought right, but it was against Jesus' will. After Peter realized that he was mistaken, he followed Jesus' thought, taking it as best. We, too, should become like him in faith.

John 14/6 [ Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."]

Jesus said that no one could come to God - to the kingdom of heaven - except through Him. In the Son's age, nobody could go to the kingdom of heaven except through Jesus.
And in the Holy Spirit's age, no one can enter the kingdom except through the Spirit and the Bride. Jesus made Peter realize that he judged from his own standpoint, saying, "You have no part with me."  This word makes us realize the point to see.

"No one can enter the kingdom of heaven except through Me." We should realize this word so that we can keep having some part with the Spirit and the Bride to the end. In the Early Church, the apostles and the prophets never stopped preaching Jesus; for He was the only way to the kingdom of heaven.

Now, it is only the Spirit and the Bride who lead to the eternal kingdom. We ought to look at Them from Their viewpoint and love and follow Them, not from our own standpoint.

댓글 8개:

  1. in the sense of earth, there is the family system. i could surely say that there are father and mother as well as their children. what do you think who the bride of your father. definitely she is your mother.
    in the last age, holy spirit and bride could give the water of life. who is that bride. she is our god the mother. Come god the mother wait for you to give eternal life.

  2. Only the children of the new covenant who believe in Heavenly Mother can go to the kingdom of heaven. let's become Heavenly Mother's children and enter the kingdom of heaven.

  3. Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the mother are our the way of life.

  4. As you know, what's this age? Holy spirit age is. Therefore we have to believe in the saviour of Holy spirit age. If we read this post we can realize who the saviour is.

  5. The Spirit and the bride is the way of life and truth.

  6. Thanks to Elohim God, Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother to allow me walk the way of Zion!

  7. Amen!
    Let`s go to the Spirit and the Bride,our God the father and God the mother!!!

  8. The Spirit and the Bride[Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother] are the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through them!
