2013년 1월 2일 수요일

Nothing is impossible for him who does everything with all his heart

 There is an ancient phrase中石沒鏃’ in Chinese, which originated with General Li Guang at the time of the Han dynasty, China. This phrase also means that if one concentrates his mind on one target, there is nothing impossible to accomplish.
 Li Guang was a great soldier, a master of archery and riding. One dusky evening, he passed through a pine forest.
Then he saw a tiger staring at him, sitting in the bush a little distance away. Feeling a sense of crisis, he immediately drew an arrow and shot it. The arrow was accurately stuck in the tiger’s fore-head.

However, in spite of being hit by the arrow, the tiger did not move at all.

He carefully approached it, and he found that it was not the tiger but a huge rock in the shape of a tiger.
He was greatly surprised to see his arrow stuck in the rock. 
Moving backward some distance, he shot his arrow again. He repeatedly shot his arrows, but each time the arrow bounced off the rock.

If an expert archer shoots an arrow, the arrow can hit the center of the target. From common sense, however, it is almost impossible for the arrow to pierce a rock.

In an extremely dangerous situation, he [Li Guang] concentrated 100% on hitting the target, so his arrow could even pierce the rock.

 Thus, nothing is impossible if we do it with all our heart. We can accomplish everything when we concentrate our mind on it.
 Jesus told us to love God with all our heart.

Mt 22:34-38 … “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.”

 “Love God with all your heart” means “Love Him with a 100% love.” If this is God’s will, our heart must be filled with it. Then we can say we love God with all our heart.

 The Bible says that the mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace (Ro 8:5-6), and it emphasizes that we cannot serve both God and money (Lk 16:13). However, sometimes we do not give our heart and mind fully to God; sometimes we concentrate more on the worldly things of this life than God’s will.
 To love God fully and completely, we should first understand why we must love God with all our heart.

The reason is that God first loved us so much. God has given us everything His whole heart, His life and His mind. 
However, we still do not fully understand His love, nor do we put it into action. So Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.”

What is the first and greatest commandment? It's the Passover
Christ Ahnsahnghong allow us to enter the kingdom of heaven through the Passover.
Let’s give everlasting thanks and glory to Christ Ahnsahnghong

댓글 3개:

  1. As we keep the Passover, we can go to the kingdom of heaven.

  2. I give thanks to Christ Ahnsahnghong-nim and God the mother who gives us eternal life through the Passover.


  3. The first commandment must keep the passover. It is the only way for salvation. Through the passover, we can find the way to go to heaven.
