2013년 4월 24일 수요일

Qualifications for the heavenly citizenship

Those with the citizenship of heaven ought to hear what god says. And then let’s see if we obey god’s word as the people with the heavenly citizenship.

 Ex 20/8 “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy”
First, those who citizenship is in heaven ought to keep the Sabbath day.
But there are many who do not keep the Sabbath, which shows that they do not have the citizenship of heaven.

To obtain American citizenship, we have to know even the president’s name. How much more should we know the name of God to acquire the heavenly citizenship!

Can we obtain it without knowing God’s name?
God said “my people will know my name” “my sheep listen to my voice and they follow me” and “he who belong to me hears what I say.”
Then, can they acquire the heavenly citizenship who do not obey even a word of God “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy”?
That’s why Jesus told them plainly, “I never knew you. Away from me. You evildoers!

View nothing with a physical eye. Have a spiritual eye, and focus on what is of heaven.

Look up at the stars in the night sky. This earth is merely one of such numerous stars. In this small planet, if a man is great, how great will he be?
What is the greatest to a man is acquiring the everlasting citizenship of heaven. In Zion, we ought to obey everything God has commanded us, that we will acquire the heavenlycitizenship.

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