2012년 10월 24일 수요일

How do ‘Lotto millionaires’ spend their money?

A group of economists analyzed how 3,000 winners of the Britain’s National Lottery spent their winnings, according to British news reports.
According to a study by Oxford Economics, so-called Lotto millionaires won a combined total of 8.5 billion British pounds ($13.6 billion) to date, and have spent 4.74 billion pounds.
Among the usual luxuries purchased by the overnight millionaires were cars, hot tubs and houses. The study showed that 10 percent purchased autos, about 33 percent bought a hot tub, and 80 percent bought a new home.

The winners collectively bought 7,958 homes, spent 463 million pounds on cars, and 21 million pounds on holidays.
Most people who won more than 1 million pounds quit work, with one in five keeping their jobs.
It wasn’t just the winners who benefitted from the massive prize money. Cash gifts to family and friends amounted to 1.17 billion pounds, creating another 3,780 millionaires.
The study showed that lottery winners have contributed to the domestic economy as well, spending 98 percent of their newly earned fortune in the country and contributing 750 million pounds to U.K.’s economic output.

More than one in seven of the 3,000 started their own business, and employed some 3,195 people.

Some people, however, could not hold on to their sudden wealth. Karen Flook from Essex spent all her Lottery money within a year, and Michael Carroll, a former dustman from Norfolk, also squandered his 9.7 million pound winnings.

Rich people are not always happy
The rich man dies in the end, without exception
Rather, the money can often ruin your life
If so, To all the people who truly what need?
What is needed in this age

If you have the money and eternal life, what would you have to select either?
Of course, it will go to eternal life
What good money after you die?
You know, even in the Bible

John 6/27 [Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the son of man will give you.]

As bible, we work for food that endures to eternal life
how can we get the eternal life? What should we do?

John 6/54 [whoever eats my flesh and drink my blood has eternal life and I will raise him up at the last day]
Jesus tell us, anyone eat my flesh and blood drinking get eternal life!
If you get the eternal life, you should eats Jesus flesh and drink Jesus blood
And then how can we get Jesus flesh and Jesus blood

Mattew 26/19, 26~28 [so the disciples did as jesus had directed them and prepared the passover, while they were eating jesus took bread gave thanks and broke it and gave it to his disciples saying “take and eat this is my body” then he took the cup gave thanks and offered it to them saying “drink from it  all of you”. This is my blood~ ]    

So as to salvation we must keep the passover
Please keep the passover and receive the eternal life!!
In these last days, Christ Ahnsahnghong restored the passover
Welcome to Savior Christ Ahnsahnghong and receive eternal life

댓글 5개:

  1. As we keep the Passover, we can save from disasters.

  2. only those who keep the Passover can enter the kingdom of heaven at the last day

  3. 작성자가 댓글을 삭제했습니다.

  4. If you have the money and eternal life, What would you have to select either? This is full of significance. Somebody, they will choice the money. However they may not choice money in the face of death. Thank u for explaining how to get the eternal life.

  5. The essence of life is the spirit.
    so we need to live for our spirit on this earth rather than for our body.then we must keep the Passover, the way of eternal life.
