2012년 10월 16일 화요일

Would you like to go to the international space station?

Rocket makes first commercial space flight
An unmanned rocket owned by a private company made its first successful flight.
The falcon 9 lifted off from cape Canaveral, Florida, on the morning of may 22. about 10 minute later the 54-meter-tall rocket reached the international space station(ISS) in outer space
The rocket is owned by space exploration technologies, otherwise known as SpaceX. 

It became the first private company to send a rocket into space.
NASA, the space agency of the united states, hopes that such commercial flights become a common occurrence in the future  
Currently, the U.S., Europe and Japan spend a lot of money flying cargo and astronauts to the ISS

NASA retired its space shuttles last years, and since then, it has depended on Russia for many of its spaceflights. However, the U.S. agency believes it would be more economical to allow private companies to take on this tasks

“This is a new era in American spaceflight” one NASA official said. “It will help us to stop depending on Russia.”
The falcon 9 rocket was originally scheduled to launch on May 19 but was delayed for several days.
When it finally flew, it carried 521 kilograms of supplies for the station crew.
SpaceX and a second company orbital science corporation, have many contracts to fly cargo to the station.

SpaceX also plans to build space taxis to fly astronauts, tourists and non NASA researchers.
Humans continue to evolve and progress.

Come to think about it
The space ship was able to make a trip to the Moon aboard a taxi
But humanity is still immature about life and death are bound to be opened
Where from our soul and where are you going?

Space travel is possible, but how can I live forever unknown?
We ask the God to let me know how to travel the universe, and he let me know how you can live forever
If you want to live forever, Looking for the God to create the universe

댓글 2개:

  1. Science has rapidly developed,but many people they did not find the answer for the salvation of the soul. in this age without knowing the christ ahnsahnghong, we have no salvation of soul. we should receive the christ ahnsahnghong.

  2. I hope to live forever and go to the kingdom of heaven.
