2012년 10월 16일 화요일

The son of man (Jesus) coming on the clouds

Today, Christians are the second coming Jesus would come on the clouds and actual believe the world would destroyed at the time.
This is what the Bible says is different from the second coming Jesus come

Mt 24/30~31 [At that time the sign of the son of man will appear in the sky, and  ~ They will see the son of man coming on the clouds of the sky ~, ]
Who said this verse? The first coming Jesus
Jesus is prophesied to come again on the clouds of the sky.
Is he really coming on the natural clouds of the sky?
We will never receive second comingJesus if we do not know what the clouds actually mean.
If the Jesus actual coming on the clouds, we should have looked into the sky on a daily

Mt13/34 [Jesus spoke all these things to the crowd in parable ~ ]
Jesus spoke all things in parable. What about the clouds of the sky?
Let’s s find out what the clouds of the sky truly means through the prophecy of Jesus first coming

Da 7/13~14 [ In my vision at night I looked ~ one like a son of man coming with the cloud of heaven ~ he was given authority, glory and sovereign power~]
This prophecy was about the first coming Jesus
Actually This prophecy was fulfilled by Jesus.
Come to this land, and who was received? the glory, authority, and sovereign power kingdom

Luke 22/29 [And I confer on you a kingdom, just as my father conferred one on me]
Who was conferred kingdom?
Jesus was given kingdom from god .

John 17/10 [All I have is yours, ~ and glory has come to me through them]
Who did glory ?
Jesus was given glory from god .

Mt 28/18 [then Jesus came to them and said, all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me]
Who did all authority ?
Jesus was given all authority from god .
Jesus was given all authority, glory, and a kingdom from god as prophesied
it’s means Jesus, the son of man came on the clouds. Of heaven.
Did he actually come on the natural clouds of the sky then?

John 6/42 [they said, is this not Jesus the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How can he now say ‘I came down from heaven’?]
Daniel prophesied that one like a son of man would come on the clouds of the sky.
Jesus fulfilled of prophecy of Daniel.
Who came on the clouds of the sky?  
Did Jesus fail to fulfill the prophecy? Absolutely not!
Here we can plainly see that clouds stands for something else
Not natural clouds of the sky
What does it stand for then?

Jude 1/12 [these men are ~ they are clouds without rain, blown along by the wind ~ . ]
They are false prophets, This means that they indicate a man

Pr 25/14 [like clouds and wind without rain is a man who boasts ~ ]

Clouds represent a man in the bible. Jesus, the son of man, came in the flesh and was given authority, glory, and sovereign power as prophesied.
However, the Jews didn’t recognize him because they expected him to come on the natural clouds of the sky

In these last day Jesus will appear a secondtime in the flesh the cloud of the sky.
Likewise, nobody can recognize him like the Jews when he expects Jesus come on the natural cloud of the sky. In the last day he will come again in the flesh and gather his elect as prophesied
Those who do nothing but look at the clouds will never see the second coming Christ appear in the flesh as prophesied
In order to save us, ChristAhnsahnghong second comingJesus in the flesh as prophesied. Believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong and you will blessing of salvation from god 

댓글 3개:

  1. Christ Ahnsahnghong have come to the earth in the flesh according to the prophecy of bible.

  2. To receive salvation, we should recognize the parable of the clouds.

  3. Those who do nothing but look at the clouds will never see the second coming Christ
