2012년 10월 17일 수요일

Think you're not eating MSG?  
Diseases which may be exacerbated by MSG, are autism and any disease treated with the following commonly prescribed glutamate BLOCKERS - Abilify, Amantadine,Baclofen, Gabapentin, Haloperidal, Ibuprofen, Ketamine, Lamotragine, Lithium, Liraglutide, Namenda (Memantine), NBQX, Riluzole, Tizanodine, Topiramate, Tramadol,as well as Vitamin B12, Vitamin E and Vitamin C.

Diseases which may be caused by MSG are obesity, Type II diabetes, and high blood pressure.    In studies, HEALTHY mice were made obese and leptin resistant, and AMPK was activated.  A recent Study in rural China on humans, shows MSG contributes to obesity, regardless of caloric intake or activity. Animal studies also showed that glutamate constricts blood vessels.  It acts as a calcium channel OPENER, and increased appetite in healthy animals by 40% by acting on the hypothalamus.  Those taking calcium channel blockers may be interested in knowing that MSG COUNTERACTS the most often prescribed medications for high blood pressure - calcium channel blockers.

Consequently, if you think you are immune from the effects of MSG because you don't have the autism genes, or the Alzheimer's genes, or high blood pressure, note that free glutamic acid acts on the pancreas to secrete insulin and acts to stimulate hunger by targeting the amygdala and hypothalamus and creates valium-like GABA in otherwise HEALTHY folks.  

More than 90 percent of restaurants in Korea are using MSG 
Many people can taste extends to breeding in MSG

Excessive use of MSG is unhealthy
For the sake of health, we must refrain as much as possible use a MSG
Natural food is our body healthy
In the same way we need a pure truths, for the health of the soul.
We must go back to the early Church truths
What has not been added as a condiment (MSG)
We should follow the pure teachings of Jesus
What is the truth of the early Church?
Now in this age, which church is the true church?

댓글 5개:

  1. World Mission Society church of God is only truth church in the whole world.

  2. MSG is very humble. Actually there are lots of thing like MSG not only things but also people. i think that true love is needed in this world. in that sence, WMSCOG people try to make this world clean with mother's love.

  3. Most of the Church similar to MSG. they keep the sunday worship and christmas. it is not god's will, only church of god keep the god's will

  4. The church of god must be the true church in the world. The church of god must be the pure church to follow the early church truths.

  5. in order to go back to kingdom of heaven we should find the true truths.
